This FAQ answers questions you may have before purchasing a license.
See "FAQ: Setting up a license" for technical informations on how to add the license to your app.
To get a license, go to
Licensing is simple: it's a small fixed price (~$15) per app, per OS, per year, with a discount for bulk purchases. Technically, it's a single license string that contains all licenses. Since it's very affordable, you can make your life easier by purchasing a 5-year license (which is a long time on a developer's scale). This would amount to 10 licenses with a 20% discount, totaling €112 as of March 2025 (pricing may change without notice).
<aside> 👉🏽 In short, you purchase slots, with a discount for bulk purchases. Each slot corresponds to a 1-year license for one app on one OS. You want a lifetime license for a single app on 2 OSes ? Simply get 10 years * 2 OS * 1 app = 20 slots.
<aside> 👉🏽 When you're ready, you assign one or more slots to an app and receive the final license string.
The assigned slots are then permanently used.
For developers: License strings can be combined, meaning a single string can contain multiple licenses—no hassle.
A license is linked to an app, not to an individual or a company. If you generate an Android app and an iOS app, you will need 2 licenses. An app is defined by its app ID.
A license string can contain one or more licenses. You can use the same license string for all your apps.
License prices has been drastically reduced - from €500 to as low as €7 in the best cases. This ensures that having multiple apps won’t be a disadvantage.
Additionally, the new pricing is volume-based: starting from the 4th slot, you can get up to 40% off.
Are you in the EU? To avoid paying +20% VAT tax, make sure to provide your VAT number.
When a license expire, the component will never stop working while in a published app. However, if you rebuild your app after the license expires, it will revert to demo mode.